Tuesday 31 October 2006

We praise you Tony !

C 'is who defines the faithful dog of Bush. It 'time to give credit to a leader so hated (by a certain part) because the bearer of a modern mentality that looks to the ideas of the other political party without hatred, but with an open mind and who knows how to modernize its own. Fight against terrorism: Blair to joint the day after the bombing in London (07/08/2005): http://www.cedost.it/news/7lug/blair.htm "Fanaticism is not a religion but a state of mind. We will work with you to ensure that the true voice of moderate Islam to be heard properly. Together we can ensure that, even though terrorists can kill, never to destroy the lifestyle that we share and the values ​​we defend with force and conviction for this , what applies to us and not for terrorists is that the victory will belong to us. "

Modernization of Economy and Education:
Blair at the European Parliament in June 2005: http://new.dsonline.it/stampa/documenti/dettaglio.asp?id_doc=26526

"First we must modernize our social model. Some have said that I would leave the European social model. But according to you what kind of social model is a system that sees 20 million unemployed in Europe, a level of productivity away from the American , a number of science graduates in India over the European one and that compared to a relative index of a modern economy - skills, R & D, patents, information technology - is going backwards instead of forward. India will expand 5 times its biotechnology sector over the next 5 years, while China has tripled its spending on research and development " 

Blair says the report on climate change commissioned by the British government 
30/10/2006 http://www.tendenzeonline.info / apcom.php? 20061030_000006.xml s = "The relationship is clear we are heading towards a climate catastrophe if we do not act. We need a global initiative shared by governments, scientists and entrepreneurs and a massive injection of funds, to create a technological revolution that would considerably reduce the energy we use and to improve the solar panels and other renewable energy sources, the key lies in creating clean energy sources and reducing the same time we use " Human rights: Blair on Guantanamo sett.2006 http://www.unita.it/view.asp?IDcontent=60237 "We must ensure that detainees are subject to proper judicial process but also ensure safety."

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